Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition that affects 4-9% of the United States population. People with OSA have disrupted sleep and low blood oxygen levels. When obstructive sleep apnea occurs, the tongue is sucked against the back of the throat. This blocks the upper airway and airflow stops. When the oxygen level in the brain becomes low enough, the sleeper partially awakens, the obstruction in the throat clears, and the flow of air starts again, usually with a loud gasp.
Repeated cycles of decreased oxygenation lead to very serious cardiovascular problems. Additionally, these individuals suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, and loss of concentration.
To diagnose sleep apnea and other sleep disorders, a sleep study at an overnight sleep lab has traditionally been recommended. However, portable sleep monitoring devices have recently emerged to help identify disruptive sleep patterns without sacrificing your time or comfort.
Home sleep studies allow Drs. O’Halloran, Egan, and Scheidemandel to monitor your sleep patterns in the comfort of your own home, and without interrupting your normal nightly routine. The home sleep study device is generally worn on your wrist, while finger probes connected to the device gather your data and vital signs. The information is stored on a removable memory card and downloaded for Drs. O’Halloran, Egan, and Scheidemandel to analyze. Drs. O’Halloran, Egan, and Scheidemandel will then be able to recommend an appropriate treatment method for you.