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Laurence O’Halloran MD
Timothy Egan MD
Sarah Blank MD

Do you have a sleeping problem…?

Over 18 million Americans have sleep apnea. Only 10% are being treated for their sleep disorder.

What is sleep apnea? Try conducting a sleep study quiz on yourself; Take a look at the list below, and see how many of the statements apply to you:

Take a look at the list below, and see how many of the statements apply to you:

  • I snore.
  • I wake up tired.
  • I wake up gasping.
  • I wake up with a sore throat.
  • I frequently wake up to use the bathroom.
  •  It is hard for me to stay awake while driving.
  • I have fallen asleep while laughing or crying.
  • I wake up with pain and numbness in my legs.
  • I have difficulty falling asleep or remaining asleep.
  • I have been told that I stop breathing while I sleep.

If two or more of the statements above apply to you, this may indicate a serious sleep disorder. Please consult your physician today regarding a diagnostic sleep study. Fairfax ENT physicians will help you find a treatment that is right for you.