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Laurence O’Halloran MD
Timothy Egan MD
Sarah Blank MD

The Latest Advances in Hearing Aid Technology

Date: 20 Jun 2024

Hearing loss is a common problem, especially among older adults. There’s no question that hearing loss can have an impact on every aspect of a person’s daily life, including relationships, career, social activities, hobbies, and more. If you or a loved one is experiencing any type of hearing loss, then the best thing you can […]

The Impact of Hearing Loss on Mental Health

Date: 25 May 2024

Did you know that there is a connection between hearing loss and mental health? This issue is often overlooked, because people are only focused on the immediate symptoms without looking at the bigger picture. The more experts learn about mental health and hearing loss, the clearer it becomes that this connection is significant. The ability […]

Practical Tips for Protecting Your Hearing

Date: 20 Apr 2024

While certain types of hearing loss are genetic and unavoidable, we see many patients who have hearing loss due to lifestyle factors that damaged their ears. The truth is that a large percentage of the population will develop some level of hearing loss, often in the later years of life. But there are things that […]